
Haggerston School Anti-Bullying Policy

Being an anti-bullying school

At Haggerston we have very high expectations of students. Our routines and rituals create a calm and orderly environment where all students can learn. Haggerston School is an anti - bullying school; bullying is not accepted in our community. We work in partnerships based on mutual respect and we value and respect everyone equally through listening and sharing. Our combination of strict discipline and warmth allows students to flourish and develop into well rounded, happy individuals. Our character programme promotes the qualities of Resilience, Ambition, Curiosity and Community Spirit and these values are embedded in all aspects of school life.

What is bullying?

Bullying can be defined as a physical, psychological or verbal attack against an individual or group of individuals, by a person or group of persons, causing physical or psychological harm to the victim. The attacks typically are repeated and occur over a period of time. Haggerston School recognises that there are different types of bullying behaviours, but maintains that bullying of any type is not acceptable.

The Student Union’s statement about bullying:

“Bullying can lower someone’s self-esteem and lead to self confidence issues; this can also occur on social media. Bullying should not be a form of seeking approval.”

Students at Haggerston School believe:

  • We must open our eyes and raise awareness so that bullying has greater visibility.
  • We must realise that discrimination is not “banter”.
  • We should tell a trusted adult.
  • We should support each other and try to be the best version of ourselves.
  • We must educate ourselves and realise that bullying is never acceptable.

Useful anti-bullying websites

Guidance for Parents